Company events
You can organize an event for your employees with exciting leisure activities. Start your day with a bicycle ride or kayaking and finish a day filled with extreme events with a relaxing sauna.
You can organize an event for your employees with exciting leisure activities. Start your day with a bicycle ride or kayaking and finish a day filled with extreme events with a relaxing sauna.
We are expecting everyone at our place, no matter if you are a holiday-maker or a workman. We have special lockers for workmen for keeping their uniform, and we can also offer special packages for workmen.
Võimalus rentida tähtpäevadeks ja üritusteks ruum või kogu maja. Soovi korral saab üürida sauna ning jääda ööbima hubasesse hostelisse. Lisaks pakume pidulistele toitlustust eelneva ettetellimisega.
while their parents go to ski, adventure, etc., we help to organize activities for kids from 5 years (from 5 eur/1h)